Home | Crafty Crafts | 10 Triple Awesome Wine Cork Crafts

10 Triple Awesome Wine Cork Crafts

Wondering what to do with the wine corks once the cab is gone? Wine cork crafts, that’s what! You can’t believe the really amazing crafts these talented folks have made with wine corks.

I drink wine almost every day. Before you go thinking I need an intervention, I should tell you that it’s one glass of cab or pinot a night. (Although some nights are longer than others.) I save my wine corks and always wondered what in the heck to do with them. And then…I found these crafts and decided saving up corks to make stuff is my new license to buy Rodney Strong.

PS: There’s a special video message from ME to YOU at the end of this post. 🙂

Wine Cork Crafts!

wine cork crafts

1. Wine cork letters are kind of awesome. Once I read this tutorial from Green is Universal, I felt like a dumb head that it took a tutorial to make me understand how these are made.

make a wine cork letter

via Green is Universal

2. You’ll need 175 wine corks to make this wine cork bathroom mat from Crafty Nest. So like a couple week’s worth of drinking, right?

How to make a wine cork bathmat

via Crafty Nest

3. BrokeAssStuart has the how-to for wine cork trivets. You’ll need 10-12 corks to complete this easy project.

Make wine cork trivet

via BrokeAssStuart

4. TheWineCellarGroup created some adorable round wine cork coasters that you can make, too. She says you’ll need about 25 corks.

via TheWineCellarGroup

And now, as promised, a quick little video from me to you. Check out MY wine cork craft awesome sauce. Be prepared to be dazzled in 60 seconds.

5. Wine cork napkin rings can be really pretty. Look at these from Beaucoup Joie de Vivre. Click through to her website for the how-to.

How to make wine cork napkin rings

via Beaucoup Joie de Vivre

6. I’m not a stamper, but I do appreciate seeing the beautiful things people make using stamps. Zakka Life takes it a step further and creates her own stamps using wine corks.

wine cork stamps

via Zakka Life

7. This super simple wine cork candle displays delights me. I love it because it looks so clean and unique and I appreciate the way the light glows through the corks. Get the how-to on TwoTwenty-One.

wine cork candle holder

via TwoTwenty-One

8. This cutie is from Design Finch  and it’s precious. She made it completely on the cheap, too. Make sure you check out her wine cork bulletin board tutorial. 

Wine Cork Bulletin Board

via Design Finch

9. I don’t usually care for most of the wreaths I see made from wine corks. In fact, I’d go so far as to say I’d have to be straight up wine-wasted to hang one in my house… and I have almost no style whatsoever. But this one from Lolly Chops is just about perfect. I love how full it is. I’d definitely love to make it. For the tutorial, make sure you visit her site.

diy wine cork wreath

via Lolly Chops

10. I LOVE these wine bottle stoppers made from corks and drawer pulls. They are like jewelry for your bottle. Awesome DIY project by The Spotted Fox.


via The Spotted Fox

Did ya love these? Do they make you want to drink? Just remember ladies… don’t drink and glue.

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