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Divine DIY Lamp Shade Ideas

I recently bought 2 lamps at a garage sale for a buck each. They are in pretty perfect condition, except that they are an unholy, glossy white. They are, to quote my Daddy, “Ugly as homemade sin.” I know I want to spray paint the lamp bases, but I needed some inspiration to re-do the lamp shades. As always, I went searching for what I needed online. Thankfully I found some DIY lamp shade ideas from people who are far smarter, and far craftier, than little ole me.

Crafty Little Chick lives up to her name with this DIY lamp shade tutorial. Using fabric, she gives a plain Jane lamp shade a kick. Bonus: no sewing! All praise the n0-sew fabric glue!

DIY Lamp Shade how-to

by Crafty Little Chick

People like Laura from About Goodness absolutely blow me away. So talented, and so creative. The DIY lamp shade she created is about 5 levels of awesomeness. (To put that in perspective, 4 levels is peanut butter & marshmallow fluff and 6 levels of awesomeness is, of course, losing one pound of old lady fat even though I just ate carnival-sized amounts of marshmallow fluff & peanut butter.)

DIY lamp shade tutorial

by About Goodness

I used to know a man known to children everywhere as Uncle Bubbles. True Story. Also a true story, Aunt Peaches is a crafting goddess who manged to turn Mardi Gras beads into a stupid cool DIY lamp shade.  I don’t know what she had to do to get all those Mardi Gras beads, but so long as the result was this piece of lighting fabulousness, she is forgiven.  Respected, even.

DIY lamp shade tutorial with Mardi Gras beads

via Aunt Peaches

Coming up on Oprah, more beads on DIY lamp shades and the women who love them. Suesan at Frou Frugal saw the box and stepped outside it. That makes me heart her. This lamp shade is ridiculously delightful. I want to sneak into her house while she is sleeping, and steal it. Is that weird?

DIY lamp shade tutorial using beads

via Frou Frugal

I see pop tops and think “trash.” Beautiful minds see pop-tops and think “lamp shade!” That’s why I’m not a zillionaire – my brain is two sizes too small. From Makezine, take a look at this DIY lamp shade from pop tops. Isn’t it awesome???

DIY lamp shade made from pop tops

via Makezine

Rosy Red Buttons saw a lamp shade by Pottery Barn Kids and did what all good humans do – she figured out how to make one herself.  It’s so girlie and so precious. It’s almost sweet enough to make my teeth hurt. I love it!

DIY lamp shade makeover for girls room

via Rosy Red Buttons

This lamp shade makeover was done with a Sharpie by A Little Glass Box. This is the lamp shade tutorial I think I may actually be able to do on my garage sale lamps. It’s very cool, very unique, and it requires only a skill I learned in 1st grade. There may be hope for me thanks to the brilliance of someone else’s creative mind!

Lampshade makeover with Sharpies.

via A Little Glass Box

When you reach the point in your life that you can take coffee filters and make something beautiful from them, you have achieved crafting nirvana. Gotta be. Little Miss Momma gave this lamp an AMAZING makeover using coffee filters. I swear, I am in awe. PS: How much do you love the colors in this shot? Doesn’t she have an eye for putting things together?

Makeover a lamp shade with coffee filters

via Little Miss Momma

Young Wifey also grabbed a Sharpie to makeover her lamp shade. Instead of writing, she traced, and the result is so adorable, it’s crazy. Can you imagine using a child’s coloring book and colored Sharpies? Wait… did I just have a creative thought? That can’t be right.

Makeover lamp shade - Sharpie art

via Young Wifey’s blog

Scrapalicious! That’s what I have unofficially named this beautify from The Pleated Poppy. Seriously, it’s cute as a bug, isn’t it? It makes me want to rip my ex-husband’s clothes into shreds and make a lamp shade.

Makeover lamp shade with fabric scraps

via The Pleated Poppy

Do you love these lamp shades? Aren’t the bloggers who created them super talented? If you know about a DIY lamp shade I should see, let me know!

Today’s post “Divine DIY Lamp Shade Ideas” is brought to you by the letter “S” for Sharpies, the letter “C” for Coffee Filters and the letter X for Sadie’s ex-husband’s shredded clothes. 🙂


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