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Make Your Own Napkin Rings – 8 Inspirations

Do you ever wake up in the morning and think, “I just really want to write about napkin rings today?” Is it weird that I did? I caught napkin ring fever when last I was in Pier One. Their napkin rings look like jewelry and I wanted all of them for my very own. Today I started thinking… I’ll bet there are crafty bloggers out there who have taken the idea of napkin rings to a whole “nuther” level.

Sure enough, there are always brilliant minds who can create something beautiful out of thin air, and napkin rings are no different. I have so much respect for these crafty ladies.

Tutorials - how to make DIY napkin rings

A Brooklyn Limestone in Progress is just a wealth of creative energy & talent. She took old forks and turned them into gorgeous hand-stamped napkin rings.  Maybe I should start a blog about what to do with old husbands as I do have a growing collection of those just lying around.

Make napkin rings out of forks

by Brooklyn Limestone

Shower curtain rings become napkin rings! Seriously!?  Via DIY Life comes these shower curtain rings that have been turned into  nautical themed napkin rings (found on Country Life) that are crazy cute. Even if I were captured by terrorists who demanded I come up with a craft involving old shower curtain rings, I couldn’t have come up with this. Meanwhile, I’m assuming terrorists like that probably work for Martha Stewart.

Make your own napkin rings ideas

Via DIY Life found on Country Living

There are a lot of things I can’t do. In the top three are: I can’t sing, I can’t multiply by 9, and I can’t sew. The minds behind Prudent Baby CAN sew however, and they came up with these cuter-than-cute reversible napkin rings. And if they weren’t cool enough for you, (you napkin ring snob), they are reversible! Brilliant, right?

Sew napkin rings from fabric

via Prudent Baby

If you’re trying to put a little “spring” in your house, check out these little bird’s nest napkin rings you can make. From Scissors & Spatulas, these sweet little nests would really brighten up a table. Best part? No danger of real birds popping out while you’re enjoying some meatloaf.

Spring DIY napkin rings

via Scissors & Spatulas

Crafty California Cottage whipped up these rosette napkin rings and I think they’re just about perfect. She says they’re easy to make. That’s only because she hasn’t met me. She means they are easy to make for “normal” women.

make DIY beaded napkin rings roses

via Crafty California Cottage

Mel Designs made these outrageously precious bird cage napkin rings from recycled materials. Just wow. Aren’t they pretty?

How to make napkin rings

via Mel Designs

When I saw the napkin rings by Mitzi’s Miscellany made from vintage pieces, I melted. Aren’t they eye-popping and jaw-dropping? I love finding vintage jewelry anyway, but I never know what to do with broken pieces or pieces that I just can’t do anything else with. Now I do. Send them to Mitzi. 🙂

Make napkin rings

via Mitzi’s Miscellany

Feels Like Home saw a craft in a 2009 copy of Family Fun Magazine using photos for DIY napkin rings, and made her own. I love the idea, and I can think of lots of ways you could change this up a little.

Make napkin rings

via Feels Like Home


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